Daughters of the King is a ministry to women with a passion to minister to the total woman. It is our desire that women build strong relationships with each other and unite together to impact our communities. We want to expand the kingdom of God by reaching out to every woman from every walk of life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to equip women for the ministry within the home, church and world mission.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Book of Ruth 2:14-23 ~ Ruth Meets Boaz "The Kinsman-Redeemer" (part 2)

We can clearly see here that Ruth has found favor in the eyes of Boaz. He's making every effort to position himself to become her husband. Ruth is still going about her task of getting food to feed her and Naomi. As she was gleaning, her mind wasn't consume with thoughts of "what ifs." What if he's interested in me? What if he ask me to have dinner with him? She was focused. Sometimes we can lose focus and miss out on the plan and purpose God has for us.

Boaz went far beyond the Mosaic law to demonstrate his kindness and generosity. Not only did he let her glean the fields, but he told his workers to drop some grain along her path. This was a great indicator that Boaz would provide for Ruth after marriage. At times it can be frustrating trying to help young women see that it's important that a man provides for her. If a man is not generous before marriage, it won't change after. Out of his abundance, Boaz provided more than the minimum. Therefore, Ruth was able to make a days wage.

As Ruth traveled back to her mother in-law, she didn't stop along the way chit chatting with all the other women. She didn't boast about the meal she shared with Boaz. As Daughter's of the King, we need to be careful how much we chit chat when God's favor is on our lives. Not everybody is going to be happy for us. Ruth went beyond her peers and shared with an older woman who was able to offer her wisdom and direction. When Ruth told Naomi all that happened, Naomi was able to praise God through her bitterness. We go through things in life that can cause bitterness, but nothing should stand in our way of praising God from whom all blessings flow.

Ruth may not have recognized God's guidance, but He was there for her. Directing her every footstep. Remember that Ruth didn't always worship the God of Israel, but her moves were more than a coincidence. She "just happened" to end up in Boaz's field who "just happens" to be a close relative, a kinsman-redeemer.

A kinsman-redeemer is a representation of Christ. Jesus is our kinsman-redeemer. That's why the word redemption is used in the New Testament rather than the word atonement. Atonement covered sins. Redemption means that someone else paid the price.

For more information about about the Mosaic law, read Leviticus 25. It talks about how the laws relate to the land, individuals and widows.

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