Daughters of the King is a ministry to women with a passion to minister to the total woman. It is our desire that women build strong relationships with each other and unite together to impact our communities. We want to expand the kingdom of God by reaching out to every woman from every walk of life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to equip women for the ministry within the home, church and world mission.

Monday, November 8, 2010

In Marriage, Take the Time to Give Each Other More

Take the time to be gentle;
remember that words harshly spoken
trouble the spirit.
Take the time to talk to each other;
the secret to all understanding
is in open communication.
Don't be afraid to say
what's on your mind,
and listen wisely.
Take the time to remember
that you chose one another
to learn and to grow with;
you each have something valuable
to offer.
Be a good teacher and a good student.
Take the time to be alone,
so that you can gather your innermost thoughts
and share them with each other
when you're together.
Take the time to be thankful.
You have chosen your path together;
take the time to make it the way you want it.
If change is needed,
do it gracefully.
Take the time to be loving;
it is the one thing everyone needs.
Always, in marriage,
take the time to give each other more.

By: Gayle Saunders

Monday, October 18, 2010

Book of Ruth Chapter 4 ~ Boaz Redeems Ruth

If you can imagine this scene in your mind. Boaz, determined to get the woman that he fell in love with pacing back and forth in front of the city gate. He told Ruth that he would take care of everything and for her not to worry. At the city gate, there was so many people going about their day to day routine because the city gate was the hub of the city. Interesting enough, the city gate is where all the legal matters were taken care of as well. Boaz was smart. He knew at the city gate he could take care of everything plus have the witnesses that he needed.

After reading this story, one may wonder how long did he stand at the gate waiting for this relative. Time wasn't a factor because here's a man that's determined to redeem Ruth. Boaz is just like Christ. Christ waits around for us to redeem us from our life of sin. He doesn't get impatient for us to come through the city gate and see Him there with His arm stretched out for us to run to them. Christ is there and He paid the ultimate cost to redeem us. Boaz is willing to do whatever he has to do to redeem Ruth. What makes Christ willing to do what he did to redeem us? What makes Boaz willing to do what he needed to do to redeem Ruth? Love.

Boaz was a wise man. He didn't come to the city gate without a plan or strategy. Notice when he first talks to the kinsman, he didn't mention Ruth. He wanted to know if the kinsman would redeem the property first. Property had to be redeemed before people could be redeemed. When the relative found out he had to redeem a widow, and a widow who was a Moabite, he backed down. Redeeming Ruth would complicate the kinsman inheritance in 2 ways. First, he feared if he had a son with Ruth, some of his estate would be transferred to Elimelech's family. Second, she was a Moabite and under the Mosaic Law an Ammonite or Moabite couldn't enter the congregation of the Lord. (Deuteronomy 23:3).

Boaz was willing to put himself in this complicated situation. Christ put Himself in a complicated situation when He came into our lives. When Christ came into our lives, it wasn't to complicate it more, but to give us hope. Boaz was Ruth's hope for not becoming a desolate widow. Boaz knew that he could take care of her and give her the life she deserved. Christ came in to give us abundant life. He didn't want us living in the sin of desperation trying to please our flesh only to reap more corruption. That wasn't his original plan for us. He knew that in order for us to live the life He intended for us to live He had to redeem us.

When Boaz redeemed Ruth, Ruth wasn't the only one who received a blessing. So did Naomi. Naomi was so blessed that all her friends gave praise to the Lord in verse 14. When Christ redeems us from a life of despair, others around us are blessed as well.

God used the Book of Ruth to prepare us for the births of King David and the King of Kings, our Messiah Jesus Christ. Ruth wasn't aware that her life would be recorded and read for many generations to come. She didn't fully understand her purpose in life. She didn't know that through her lineage the Savior of the world come. You and I may question our purpose in life. Be sure my friend that your purpose is great. Greater than you know. Live your life in such a way that many generations will read it after you're gone and they will find their purpose in life.

The Book of Ruth 3:1-18 ~ Ruth's Redemption Assured

Naomi notices Ruth is not staking her claim for Boaz to be her husband. Naomi also notices that Boaz is in love with Ruth. She asks Ruth if she shall seek rest for her. In other words, Naomi was saying, "Shall I seek a marriage for you?" Naomi encourages Ruth to go to the threshing floor to meet Boaz there.

Naomi gave Ruth specific instructions on how to prepare herself before she goes to Boaz. Naomi knew that there were so many other single ladies wanting the attention of Boaz. She wanted Ruth to stand out amongst the other women. Yes, Ruth had caught the eye of Boaz, but Naomi wanted to make sure his eye stayed on Ruth. Naomi basically told her to go and fix yourself up.

If you're single and you want to stand out amongst the other young ladies standing next to you, you must do something different to catch his eye. If all the young ladies are wearing jeans and a t-shirt, nothing is more eye catching than a beautiful skirt or dress. Men like women who look and act like women. Once you've caught his eye, please keep yourself up so that his eye stays on you. There's nothing worse than finally getting a man and then letting yourself go. Don't believe the lie from the enemy that tells you if he loves you he wouldn't be looking at other women. You have got to give him something to look at because men are attracted to the physical. They have not made it to glory living in their resurrected bodies without visual stimulation.

Her advice to Ruth seemed strange, but she wasn't suggesting Ruth to seduce Boaz. As women, we do have that ability to be seductive. We can seduce by the way we dress, through our conversation and our actions. I want to warm you that if you get a man through seductive actions, be ready for the anger that will come from him when he realizes what you have done.

It was common for a servant to lie at the feet of his or her master. Observing this custom allowed Ruth to inform Boaz that he could redeem her.

Ruth followed the advice given to her by Naomi. We should be willing to listen when Godly advice is given to us. We are surrounded with people who have a wealth of knowledge and are ready to advise us in our decision making. Imagine what Ruth's life would have been like had she ignored Naomi's advice.

In verse 9 when Ruth asked for the skirt to be spread over thine handmaid, she was saying, "I want you as my kinsman-redeemer."

Boaz couldn't resist Ruth's humility. She came prepared because of Naomi's advice. I want to say a quick word to all the mothers here. Let's take time to prepare our daughters for marriage. There's nothing worse than us putting in so much time into other things that we fail at preparing our daughters for the most role in her life, that of becoming a wife. Also, if you're a young lady in need of preparation for marriage, seek out some elderly women in your church. Those mothers got some good advice and they've already been where you're trying to go.

Ruth came to him in such a lovely way. She had the right to call upon the elders of the city to force Boaz to marry her under the Mosaic Law. Instead, she followed Naomi's advice. Us younger women need to follow the advice of older women. After all, they didn't have trouble finding and keeping their husbands. I for one will seek them out and I encourage you to do likewise.

When we get down to verse 12, ask yourself this question, "How did Boaz know that there was a kinsman nearer?"

Remember Ruth had already caught the eye of Boaz. He was in love with her before she came to the threshing floor. He had already investigated and knew there was someone else in line to redeem Ruth. This is a classic example of a man pursuing a woman. He had already done his homework because he didn't want any surprises to sneak up on him. If your contemplating entering a relationship with a man, please make sure you have taken care of business from any previous relationships. There's nothing worse than your beau pursuing you to only get stumbled by something you failed to remove.

Boaz wanted Ruth. He had a plan to redeem her. He told her not to worry about it, but lie down and rest. He was a man that was determined. When a man is determined to get a woman, he will. Notice that Ruth rested. She wasn't the one staying up all night wondering how it was going to happen. That wasn't her job. She needed to rest so that she would wake up looking pretty in the morning.

Boaz blessed her before she left. When she returned to her mother in-law, Naomi confirmed that all she needed to do was rest. Naomi knew that Boaz wasn't going to rest until the matter was settled. Naomi was confident because she knew the advice she had given her daughter in-law was sound.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Book of Ruth 2:14-23 ~ Ruth Meets Boaz "The Kinsman-Redeemer" (part 2)

We can clearly see here that Ruth has found favor in the eyes of Boaz. He's making every effort to position himself to become her husband. Ruth is still going about her task of getting food to feed her and Naomi. As she was gleaning, her mind wasn't consume with thoughts of "what ifs." What if he's interested in me? What if he ask me to have dinner with him? She was focused. Sometimes we can lose focus and miss out on the plan and purpose God has for us.

Boaz went far beyond the Mosaic law to demonstrate his kindness and generosity. Not only did he let her glean the fields, but he told his workers to drop some grain along her path. This was a great indicator that Boaz would provide for Ruth after marriage. At times it can be frustrating trying to help young women see that it's important that a man provides for her. If a man is not generous before marriage, it won't change after. Out of his abundance, Boaz provided more than the minimum. Therefore, Ruth was able to make a days wage.

As Ruth traveled back to her mother in-law, she didn't stop along the way chit chatting with all the other women. She didn't boast about the meal she shared with Boaz. As Daughter's of the King, we need to be careful how much we chit chat when God's favor is on our lives. Not everybody is going to be happy for us. Ruth went beyond her peers and shared with an older woman who was able to offer her wisdom and direction. When Ruth told Naomi all that happened, Naomi was able to praise God through her bitterness. We go through things in life that can cause bitterness, but nothing should stand in our way of praising God from whom all blessings flow.

Ruth may not have recognized God's guidance, but He was there for her. Directing her every footstep. Remember that Ruth didn't always worship the God of Israel, but her moves were more than a coincidence. She "just happened" to end up in Boaz's field who "just happens" to be a close relative, a kinsman-redeemer.

A kinsman-redeemer is a representation of Christ. Jesus is our kinsman-redeemer. That's why the word redemption is used in the New Testament rather than the word atonement. Atonement covered sins. Redemption means that someone else paid the price.

For more information about about the Mosaic law, read Leviticus 25. It talks about how the laws relate to the land, individuals and widows.

The Book of Ruth 2:1-13 ~ Ruth Meets Boaz "The Kinsman Redeemer"

Naomi has a kinsman by the name of Boaz who would later redeem Ruth. But before I get ahead of myself by talking about the redemption process, we'll look at some key factors that took place before hand. Boaz means strength. This kinsman, Boaz, is a representation of Jesus Christ and how He came to redeem us so that we wouldn't be lost.

We see here in chapter 2 that Ruth shows initiative and goes out and looks for a field to glean. The gleaning process took place out in the fields after the grains were harvested. The grain that was dropped was left in the filed for poor people to pick up and use for food. It was a type of welfare program in Israel.

It was important for Ruth to find the right field. She had to find Boaz's field in order for Christ to be born in Bethlehem. Ruth had to be led by God because she had no idea where to go. She didn't know how important her decision was. Yet, she just "happened" to find Boaz's field.

Boaz was wealthy and an eligible bachelor. Can you imagine all the mother's back in Israel trying to play match maker? Wonder how many young women made the statement, "God told me that he was my husband." Plenty. None of those young women caught his eye. He wasn't interested in anyone until he laid eye girls on this foreign girl from Moab. Notice how Ruth wasn't trying to get his attention. She was working. Doing what she needed to do to survive.

What was it about Ruth that caused a wealthy man like Boaz to fall hard for her? When he laid eyes on her, something had to be different because he inquired about her. (vs. 5) Repeat, he inquired about her. Ruth didn't inquire about him. She wasn't going around trying to find out little things about him that she could use to manipulate her way into his heart.

Was it love at 1st sight? If so it was on Boaz's part because Ruth was busy. She wasn't sitting around waiting for someone to come and redeem her. She was lost in doing what she had to do to take care of herself.

Boaz didn't want Ruth going to another field to glean. He went out of his way to make sure she stayed close. Not only did he invite her to stay, but he provided protection for her while she gleaned in his field. She even questioned Boaz as to why she found favor in his eyes.

If you are a single woman and want to be married, here's a great example of how to catch a man's eye. I don't want to sound harsh or unsympathetic, but stop being the one who's the pursuer. Men don't want to be pursued. They love the chase. They like to be challenged. That's why they like to play sports. When a man is watching a game on TV and he already knows who's going to win, he gets the remote and finds another game to watch. When a man knows "your game" is easy, he switches to another woman. If a man really wants you, there's nothing you could do to get away from him. Boaz made sure Ruth didn't go to another field. Why? Because he wanted to be with her.

"A woman's heart should be so lost in God that a man needs to seek Him in order to find her."

Ruth had a good reputation throughout Israel because of what she had done for her mother in-law. As Daughter's of the King, let us live our lives in such a way that our reputation will be of good and not evil.

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Book of Ruth 1:6-22 ~ Naomi Returns with Ruth

The famine was over back in Bethlehem, Judah. Even though Naomi had left the Promise Land with her husband, she knew that she could return back to the Father's house. This is a great reminder for us. If you've left your Father's house, you can always come back home.

Naomi knew that if she returned back to her hometown, she would get a warm welcome. She also knew that life would be different for her daughter in-laws, Orpah and Ruth. Their chances of marrying again were slim to none because they were from the land of Moab. They would continue to be widows and live in poverty.

Naomi loved her daughter in-laws. We know how difficult it could be at times for a mother to think anyone is worthy of her son(s). Let's not forget that these young women were foreigners who's background consist of idolatry and paganism. I'm sure Naomi, like most mothers, had in her mind what type of women she wanted her sons to marry. 

Naomi shows a true representation of Christ when she accepted Orpah and Ruth. God accepts us into His family regardless of our backgrounds, ethnicity and idolatry. She was pleased with her daughter in-laws. These young women had been good wives to her sons. How could they not be good wives to her sons after Naomi embraced them as daughter's? 

Because of her love for them, she encourages them to return home. She wanted the best for them. Naomi didn't want these precious women to live in poverty not knowing how they would be cared and provided for. She didn't have a next of kin to marry them according to the Mosaic Law. (Deuteronomy 25:5-10)

Naomi was selfless. She put the needs of her daughter in-laws before her own. Orpah and Ruth was all that she had left. But, she considered their needs before her own. We should consider the needs of others before our own. When we act selflessly, others are encouraged to follow our example. That's what Ruth did. Ruth's selfless act fulfilled the prophesy that Jesus Christ would be born in Bethlehem.

Orpah returned back to what was familiar to her. The worshiping of idols and pagan gods. Why is it when we're faced with a tough decision, we turn to what's familiar? Let's make the decision Ruth did when she clung to Naomi. We need to cling to God even if we don't know what the outcome is going to be. Ruth didn't know what would happen to her if she went to Bethlehem. At the time, Ruth didn't know that her decision would be recorded and remembered throughout history. Our decision may cause someone else to walk in their destiny and fulfill the call of God on their life. Let's not be like Orpah. Orpah was never mentioned again in Scripture. Ruth, however, was mentioned in the 1st chapter of the the New Testament. (Matthew 1:5)

Key verse - Ruth 1:16 
But Ruth said: "Entreat me not to leave you, Or to turn back from following after you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, And your God, my God.

Let's make a declaration of faith like Ruth:
 "I will not turn back to my old ways of living. I take my place in the family of God. They are my people and my dwelling is in their midst."