Daughters of the King is a ministry to women with a passion to minister to the total woman. It is our desire that women build strong relationships with each other and unite together to impact our communities. We want to expand the kingdom of God by reaching out to every woman from every walk of life and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to equip women for the ministry within the home, church and world mission.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Spirit of Absalom

"...So Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel." -II Samuel 15:6
If Absalom were alive today and decided to be the running mate for vice-president along side the presidential hopeful in 2012 election, it's possible that he would give his victory speech on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. The presidential hopeful never saw it coming. To his knowledge, his vice-presidential running mate had been campaigning along side him. Or so he thought.

Absalom was handsome and charismatic just like his father David. He had a way with words. We can't deny or down play the wisdom of Absalom. Doing so is what caused the hearts of the men of Israel to be so easily stolen. Did any of these men ever ask the question, "Why is Absalom always at the right place at the right time?"

While most men were sleeping, Absalom rose up early and positioned himself at the city gate. The city gate was the perfect place for him to stand, smile and shake hands. Jerusalem was the nation's capital. Therefore, all local and national leaders would travel there daily to settle legal matters. Major business transactions took place there as well. He was strategic because anyone entering or leaving the city had to go through the city gates. He was sympathetic while listening to the complaints of the men of Israel. Here, we see, a politician at his finest. 

Can you hear him telling the men of Israel, 
"If only I were the judge. I would make sure you got justice."
Absalom is not whispering in your ear, but you hear the words of Absalom when someone wants to help you solve your problems "because Pastor is too busy to listen to you." Absalom will tell you that your pastor or your leader don't recognize the gifting that they see dwelling within you. They may even offer to mentor you at this time. You eagerly agree because you've been waiting for someone to finally see your potential.

Don't allow Absalom to whisper in your ear. Absalom may tell you that they support your pastor or your leader, but in the same breath say there's a better way. His way. Before you know it, he's stolen your heart.